You searched for: “most grandiose
grandiose (adjective), more grandiose, most grandiose
1. Relating to the intention of looking very impressive, but really appearing as silly: The actor had the most grandiose ideas about his appearance and acting ability.
2. A reference to greatness by trying to achieve something important or difficult, but not sufficiently practical to be successful: The grandiose building was constructed to look like a decorative art style of architecture but it proved to be too ornate to be admired by most people.
This entry is located in the following units: grand- (page 2) -ose (page 4)
Word Entries at Get Words: “most grandiose
grandiose (adjective), more grandiose, most grandiose
Descriptive of something as being exaggerated or flamboyant: The home decorator seemed to believe that the more grandiose the better, as reflected in his choices of colors, draperies, and furniture.
This entry is located in the following unit: Words of French origin (page 4)